Shadowhearts Wiki

Characters with varying levels of Stock

The Stock Gauge bar is the yellow-green bar found below a character's HP, MP, and SP gauges.

It affects many things in battle, from being able to use Hard Hits, Double Attacks, and setting up Combos and Double-Combos for Combo Magic.

However, the same is also true of enemies, who have their own Stock Gauges.

The Gauge has three levels of Stock; 0, 1 and, 2.

Succesfully attacking enemies with regular, special, or magical attack will raise the character's Stock. Taking damage from enemies will also build Stock.

However, being attacked by Hard Hitting abilities will reduce the Stock, and several enemies also have moves that can drain Stock.

The Apathy Status renders a character unable to gain Stock, while the Stock Up Status will increase the amount of Stock gained per action.

Use of Stock does impose some restrictions on abilities when using either a Double Attack, Combo or Double Combo, making the player unable to use certain skills or items in succession.

The one strict rule is that if using a Double Attack, or in a Double Combo, the same skill may not be used twice in a row. For instance, the player may not select a Standard Attack, and then follow up with another Standard Attack, or as another example, Gale Blast, followed by another Gale Blast.

It can be broken down into seven loose catergories:

  • Offensive Skills - Standard, High Angle, and Knock Down Attacks, damage-dealing special abilities, and damage-dealing magic.
  • Recovery Skills - Restorative abilities, or magic.
  • Support Skills - Party buffs, and elemental edge skills.
  • Hard Hit - Hit Class which reduces enemy Stock.
  • Item Usage - Any item (except Keys)
  • Key Usage - Third, Fifth, Seventh, or Eternal Key
  • Defend - Using the "Defend" command.
Stock Command Restrictions
Command Double Combo Double Combo
1st Turn 2nd Turn 1st Turn 2nd Turn
Offensive Skills Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recovery Skills Yes Yes No No No
Support Skills Yes Yes No No
Hard Hit No Yes No No No
Item Usage Yes Yes No No No
Key Usage No No Yes No No
Defend No Yes No No No

Yes - Can use.
No - Can't use.
※ - Only Gathering and Entrance may be used.
